《星际之门》原创了几种化元素,Neutronium 是
在现实化学和物理学科中,只有 Neutron 这个术语,中子,也就是原子核内的两种粒子之一。每种元素的原子核里都有 Neutron。
A neutron is an atomic particle that has no electrical charge. 中子是一种电荷的原子粒子。
Neutrons and protons are bound together in the nucleus of an atom. 在一个原子的核内,中子和质子聚在一起。
An atom itself is a complete whole, with its electrons, protons and neutrons and other elements.原子本身是个整体,含电子、质子、中子以及其他成分。
Neutronium 跟 neutron 不是一回事,《星际之门》对此没有解释,只在几次台词中提到。不
了表达方便,可把 Neutronium 翻译为“中子”。
It's the base raw material of replicator cells.是复制者细胞的本原材料
Neutronium--it's the base element from which nanites are made.那是用来制作 纳米体的基本元素
Orilla is rich in neutronium which is a key element in Asgard technology and is also essential for the creation of human-form Replicators.
The device was encased in a solid neutronium shell,and set with a time delay sufficient to evacuate our entire civilisation.